A wonderful combination of tinplate and cans

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A wonderful combination of tinplate and cans

In the world of cans, it’s not just what’s inside that matters.

But we must not forget that our white tuna or mussels could not have remained in perfect condition for years if it were not for the packaging that holds them: tin cans. Have you ever wondered what these cans are made of? And why these ingredients are used in the manufacturing process and not others? Let’s find out!

Tinplate and aluminum, the basic materials used to make tin cans

Since the 19th century, the traditional material used to make tin cans has been, and still is, tinplate. However, since the late 20th century, tinplate has coexisted with aluminum, an alternative material that has grown in importance due to the influence of the carbonated beverage industry, in which aluminum dominates.

The use of aluminum in tinplate can manufacturing

Aluminum is a versatile, safe and sustainable material. Sealed aluminum containers remain unchanged over time, and their contents remain unchanged after sterilization. In addition to the properties we have already mentioned, aluminum is an opaque metal: it does not allow light to pass through, which facilitates food preservation. This works in its favor compared to glass jars, which are used quite sparingly in the field of canned seafood.

There are also some reasons to encourage the use of aluminum.

It reduces the amount of work involved in opening the cans. Even in containers with easy-open rings, the difference is noticeable: it takes less force to remove the aluminum lid than to pull the tinplate lid.

The recycling process is straightforward. No separation of parts is required and it can be recycled and reused indefinitely.
It is lighter than tinplate.

It can be molded into thinner sheets, which facilitates cost savings, transportation and stacking.
The Aluminum Association and the Aluminum Can Manufacturers Association’s report, The Aluminum Can Advantage. Sustainability Key Performance Indicators (December 2020) highlights the high recycling rate of aluminum.

In the United States, consumers store more than 46 percent of such packaging in dedicated containers.
Features and advantages of tinplate in the canmaking sector

Tinplate has similar advantages to aluminium in the manufacture of tin cans.

It is made from a combination of steel and tin: it is obtained by coating a very thin steel plate with a layer of tin. Steel is a strong, durable and malleable metal, while tin has a protective function against oxidation.

To ensure that tinplate is not harmful to humans, legislation sets a maximum content of inorganic tin in the tinplate composition, in accordance with the Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Agency (Aesan).

Tinplate is also environmentally friendly. The Tinplate Recycling Ecology Association states that steel is the most recycled material in the world and that all tinplate packaging ends up being recycled in the steel industry.

The most common format used in the manufacture of tin cans

Whether tinplate or aluminium, tin cans are manufactured in a two-piece (container and lid) or three-piece (base plate, body and lid) construction. Due to their practicality, the most common format of tinplate cans used for fish and seafood canning is.

In all cases, food safety and consumer convenience are paramount and, as an added advantage, aluminium can make the design more attractive and versatile. tisco is a specialist tinplate manufacturer bringing you quality products.



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